If you are still on the sideline with your Gold investments consider this…
Link: Newsletters are going for the gold.
With the price of gold near a 25-year high and even the most bullish gold-timing investment newsletters counseling caution, you might think staying away from the yellow metal was a good idea.
In fact, now may be a good time to buy, according to a market-timing theory known as contrarian analysis, which in essence holds that the market rarely accommodates the majority.
And even though the average gold-tracking newsletter is skeptical, recommending that two-thirds of precious-metals-oriented portfolios be kept in cash, editors of these investment products haven’t jumped completely off the bandwagon yet.
Everyday investors have more ways than ever to play the gold market, including buying the physical metal through an exchange-traded fund called the streetTRACKS Gold fund (GLD)
In the for whatever it is worth category, in my humble opinion it is no where close to too late. The entire economy is in a state of massive flux with the trend of interest rates of being generally up. When interestest rate trends are up, stocks and real estate generally lag. Remember, the trend is your friend. Go with the trend until it changes.