Tag Archives: forrest gump

Why is Forrest Gump such a powerful movie?

Why is Forrest Gump such a powerful movie?

My youngest son and I were going to be home all alone for the evening so we wanted to get some movies to watch. Tom Hanks was on the top of the list and both of us had Forrest Gump on our minds. We had been quoting Forrest who was quoting his ever wise mother saying “Life is like a box of Chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” So we were so happy that the movie store had the movie in stock.

Within 5 minutes of the darn movie beginning I was crying like a baby already and through much of the movie I was moved so deeply that my son would be hearing sniffles from me. Even this morning I woke up thinking of the movie and I was moved to tears again. So that raised the question in my mind what in the world is it about that movie that is so darn powerful? What makes the movie so moving to me and a few million other viewers? It the paragraphs that follow I think I have come up with a few ideas of why the movie is so powerful for me and probably for you also. Continue reading

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