Minnesota for Marriage

Dear Friends:

There’s now an official website for defending traditional marriage in Minnesota! It’s Minnesota for Marriagewww.minnesotaformarriage.org — and it’s designed to help you and other pro-family leaders get the Defense Of Marriage Amendment (DOMA) through the State Legislature and to the people of Minnesota for a vote. DOMA has been introduced again this year and it has plenty of support to pass. But we’re going to need the same help and influence that pro-family folks like you offered last year.

That’s what Minnesota for Marriage is all about! It gives you the tools and resources to educate and influence your loved ones, neighbors, church family – and your state lawmakers – about the importance of defending the traditional institution of marriage: One man and one woman for life!

Log on to Minnesota for Marriage and click through the news and resource links. Then check in regularly to stay current on what’s happening to defend marriage in Minnesota. That includes updates on the crucial Day of Prayer and Fasting for Marriage on March 16th, and our April 20th Minnesota for Marriage rally at the State Capitol.

While you’re at it sign up for the informative Minnesota for Marriage Action Alerts so you’ll get immediate updates on news and needed action to help insure passage of DOMA!

Thanks for checking out Minnesota for Marriage, the official website for all Minnesota DOMA efforts. And thanks for your crucial partnership to defend traditional marriage.

John Helmberger

Minnesota Family Council


If your computer has problems connecting, visit our homepage: http://www.mfc.org

WOULD YOU HELP STRENGTHEN AND EXPAND THE DEFENSE OF YOUR FAMILY’S BELIEFS AND VALUES? Please mail your donation or use your credit card at our secure web site: http://www.mfc.org/giving/. Thank you for partnering with us to defend your values!

The Minnesota Family Council
2855 Anthony Lane South, Suite 150
Minneapolis, MN 55418-3265

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About waynem

As a Minnesota based photographer and artist I have been greatly influenced by the Upper Midwest. I focus my skills and energies on portraits, landscapes, cityscapes, architectural and fine art work. My best work comes from images first painted in my mind. I mull over a prospective image for weeks or months, seeing it from different angles and perspectives, then finally deciding what to capture. The result is images that deeply touch people's emotions and powerfully evoke memories and dreams. My images are used commercially by companies and organizations ranging from Financial Services firms, mom and pop Ice Cream shops and The Basilica of St Mary to communicate their shared vision and values. Book and magazine publishers have featured my images on their covers. My photographs also grace and enhance the decor of many fine homes.
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8 Responses to Minnesota for Marriage

  1. James Allison says:

    If it weren’t for “activist judges”, blacks would still not have civil rights. Judges are supposed to interpret the constitution, and that is their appropriate role. Our system of democracy was designed to protect all citizens from the “tyrany of the majority”, and it is working exactly as intended. It was also designed to allow for social change.
    All the arguments of the segregationists are basically the same ones you are recycling today. Nothing has changed. It all comes down to prejudice and descrimination and trying to deprive other people of human rights just because you don’t happen to like them or approve of them. It has nothing to do with protecting families. That rationale is just a big steaming pile of poo, and most intelligent people know it.

  2. a blogger says:

    Except you forget the segregationist were the liberal democrats then and they were wrong, now these arguments are being used by conservative republicans and they are right. You sill need to focus on the issue at hand. BTW when Kennedy was president as a democrat he would have stood for all of the things that the conservatives stand for now. So, who are the radicals?

  3. Kate Wagar says:

    Where in the hell did you ignorant people come from? Tell me, what brand of Christianity are you preaching? Is it the one where Jesus said to love your neighbor, live by the Golden Rule, to care for the lesser among us, to give unto Caesar that which was his and to give unto God that which is His (sure sounds like separation of church and state to me!)? I accuse you of being blasphemers! Your madeup ideas have nothing to do with Christianity!!
    There will come a reckoning for you who are disobeying The Constitution and Christian tenets. Before that there may come civil war. If you think the decent people of Minnesota and this country are going to allow you frothing zealots to destroy it, think again. Get out of my state! My people have been here for seven generations, and we didn’t work our butts off only to let people like you to ruin it.
    Study the Constitution. Study the centuries of religious wars in Europe. You’re trying to bring those wars here. And oh, grow up! Oh, yes. Justice Scalia is one of the biggest activist judges on the bench. You don’t care when decisions come down on your side, you hypocrits.
    Kate Wagar

  4. qandablogger says:

    At least you are opened minded and you love diversity of opinion and thought.
    Have you ever checked out what the Bible also says about homosexuality? In your rage you must have missed that part.
    Check Leviticus 18:22 ,Lev. 20:13, Roman 1:26-27. Notice they are both in the Old and New Testament.
    Kate, a Christian is willing to speak the truth in love even if it is difficult to hear, even if it makes people uncomfortable, even if it makes enemies.
    I can’t help it if you hate me for speaking the truth; I still have to do my part.

  5. eli says:

    “segregationist were the liberal democrats then”
    It is truly astounding that you beleive it was liberal democrats who were segregationists. Unbeleivable, really.

  6. On Dec. 12, 1912, Rep. Seaborn Roddenberry (R-Ga.) proposed this amendment to the Constitution: “Intermarriage between negros or persons of color and Caucasians . . . within the United States . . . is forever prohibited.” The amendment did not pass, even though the majority of Americans opposed interracial marriage and advocates argued this amendment was necessary to save the sacred institution of marriage.
    Sound familiar?
    Who cares if the segregationists were democrats or republicans? Lincoln was a republican and he freed the slaves. I’m sure there were some of each, though I doubt they were very liberal. By definition that’s a contradiction in terms. Ultimately they were dead wrong, and today most people recognize it. The arguments are EXACTLY the same and the leaders of the anti-marriage brigade are just as immoral and just has hateful. The NEW testament, you know, the one written after Christianity got started, doesn’t have a lot to say about it one way or the other. Christianity is supposed to be about love and compassion and tolerance – turn the other cheek, love thy neighbors, do unto others, yada yada..
    The truth is that these people are motivated purely by fear and hate, whether they know it or not. It has nothing to do with religion or morality, and least of all protecting families. This is about trying to hurt families who are fundamentally no different and haven’t done anything to deserve this malicious attack.
    If you want to live by the God of the old testament, you had better get busy building a temple and rounding up some sheep and goats for sacraficial offering, otherwise your God is gonna be pissed.
    By the way “a Blogger”, I have no idea what you’re basing any of your assertions on, so I can only assume you pulled them out of your ah.. hat. If you want to be taken seriously you might want to support your arguments a fact or two.

  7. To qandablogger:
    Why is it do you suppose the anti-marriage bloggers won’t use a real name. Could it be, SHAME?!
    Regarding old/vs new testament. I will say now that I plagiarized the following, as I’m hardly a biblical scholar. You might have gone a little further than just listing bible verses. It’s not as if the bible is only open to a single interpretation.
    On Roman 1:26-27:
    1. This is the Jewish Paul looking across the Mediterranean at life in the capital of Graeco-Roman culture. Homosexuality is not the focus of his condemnation, but just one item on a list…Paul’s explanation for all this is that they have refused to acknowledge God, and therefore God has given them up to their own wicked desires…
    I suggest renting Caligula if you’re unclear about this..
    2. Paul is speaking to those who violate their sexual orientation, those that go against their natural desire. But a homosexual’s natural desire is for the same sex. Therefore this verse doesn’t speak of them. In fact, if you encourage a ‘constitutional homosexual’ to become heterosexual you are violating this passage.”
    It’s hard to say what Paul meant, but this interpretation makes a lot of sense if you read the passage with a modern perspective.
    I already covered the old testament, so I won’t bother with Leviticus.
    “qandablogger”, don’t hate you or anyone, but it makes my sick to hear you trying to twist YOUR hatefulness around, and call it love. God would throw up. What’s wrong with you?

  8. qandablogger says:

    If you would hang around long enough you would know that qandablogger is my pseudo name. Me, Wayne Moran. Notice the name of the blog above questions and answers blog hence qandablogger. Do you get it. No James there is no shame is what I am posting.
    James I am very familiar with the wickedness of Paul’s day and I am very familiar with what he was talking about in his letter to the Romans and I assure he was not talking against “those who violate their sexual orientation”. He was talking clearly about men being inflamed for other men. If you are at all aware about what was going on at the time in Rome it was very common for the soldiers to think that male/male love was a higher form of love than male female. It was not their “sexual orientation”, it was their rejection of the truth of God that allowed them to make that conclusion. So who is doing the twisting of history and scripture here?
    BTW since when is race and sexual perversion the same? I’m sure that will play well in the African community.
    Wayne Moran

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