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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

More Good News from Iraq
There Are Signs the Tide May Be Turning on Iraq's Street of Fear

Published: March 21, 2005

AGHDAD, Iraq - Nearly two years after American troops captured Baghdad, Haifa Street is like an arrow at the city's heart. A little more than two miles long, it runs south through a canyon of mostly abandoned high-rises and majestic date palms almost to the Assassin's Gate, the imperial-style arch that is the main portal to the Green Zone compound, the principal seat of American power.

When most roads in central Baghdad are choked with traffic, there is rarely more than a trickle of vehicles on Haifa Street. At the day's height, a handful of pedestrians scurry down empty sidewalks, ducking into covered walkways that serve as sanctuaries from gunfire - and as blinds for insurgent attacks in one of Iraq's most bitterly contested battle zones.
American soldiers call the street Purple Heart Boulevard: the First Battalion of the Ninth Cavalry, patrolling here for the past year before its recent rotation back to base at Fort Hood, Tex., received more than 160 Purple Hearts. Many patrols were on foot, to gather intelligence on neighborhoods that American officers say have been the base for brutal car bombings, kidnappings and assassinations across Baghdad.

The New York Times > International > Middle East > There Are Sign
posted @ 10:58 AM CST [link] [Karma: -4 (+/-)]

Must Read affidavit From Terri Schiavo's Nurse


BEFORE ME the undersigned authority personally appeared CARLA SAUER IYER, R.N., who being first duly sworn, deposes and says:

1. My name is Carla Sauer Iyer. I am over the age of eighteen and make this statement of my own personal knowledge.

2. I am a registered nurse in the State of Florida, having been licensed continuously in Florida from 1997 to the present. Prior to that I was a Licensed Practical Nurse for about four years.

3. I was employed at Palm Garden of Largo Convalescent Center in Largo, Florida from April of 1995 to July 1996, while Terri Schiavo was a patient there.

4. It was clear to me at Palm Gardens that all decisions regarding Terri Schiavo were made by Michael Schiavo, with no allowance made for any discussion, debate or normal professional judgment. My initial training there consisted solely of the instruction “Do what Michael Schiavo tells you or you will be terminated.” This struck me as extremely odd.

5. I was very disturbed by the decision making protocol, as no allowance whatsoever was made for professional responsibility. The atmosphere throughout the facility was dominated by Mr. Schiavo’s intimidation. Everyone there, with the exception of several people who seemed to be close to Michael, was intimidated by him. Michael Schiavo always had an overbearing attitude, yelling numerous times such things as “This is my order and you’re going to follow it.” He is very large and uses menacing body language, such as standing too close to you, getting right in your face and practically shouting.

6. To the best of my recollection, rehabilitation had been ordered for Terri, but I never saw any being done or had any reason at all to believe that there was ever any rehab of Terri done at Palm Gardens while I was there. I became concerned because nothing was being done for Terri at all, no antibiotics, no tests, no range of motion therapy, no stimulation, no nothing. Michael said again and again that Terri should NOT get any rehab, that there should be no range of motion whatsoever, or anything else. I and a CNA named Roxy would give Terri range of motion anyway. One time I put a wash cloth in Terri’s hand to keep her fingers from curling together, and Michael saw it and made me take it out, saying that was therapy.

7. Terri’s medical condition was systematically distorted and misrepresented. When I worked with her, she was alert and oriented. Terri spoke on a regular basis while in my presence, saying such things as “mommy,” and “help me.” “Help me” was, in fact, one of her most frequent utterances. I heard her say it hundreds of times. Terri would try to say the word “pain” when she was in discomfort, but it came out more like “pay.” She didn’t say the “n” sound very well. During her menses she would indicate her discomfort by saying “pay” and moving her arms toward her lower abdominal area. Other ways that she would indicate that she was in pain included pursing her lips, grimacing, thrashing in bed, curling her toes or moving her legs around. She would let you know when she had a bowel movement by flipping up the covers and pulling on her diaper.

8. When I came into her room and said “Hi, Terri”, she would always recognize my voice and her name, and would turn her head all the way toward me, saying “Haaaiiiii” sort of, as she did. I recognized this as a “hi”, which is very close to what it sounded like, the whole sound being only a second or two long. When I told her humorous stories about my life or something I read in the paper, Terri would chuckle, sometimes more a giggle or laugh. She would move her whole body, upper and lower. Her legs would sometimes be off the bed, and need to be repositioned. I made numerous entries into the nursing notes in her chart, stating verbatim what she said and her various behaviors, but by my next on-duty shift, the notes would be deleted from her chart. Every time I made a positive entry about any responsiveness of Terri’s, someone would remove it after my shift ended. Michael always demanded to see her chart as soon as he arrived, and would take it in her room with him. I documented Terri’s rehab potential well, writing whole pages about Terri’s responsiveness, but they would always be deleted by the next time I saw her chart. The reason I wrote so much was that everybody else seemed to be afraid to make positive entries for fear of their jobs, but I felt very strongly that a nurses job was to accurately record everything we see and hear that bears on a patients condition and their family. I upheld the Nurses Practice Act, and if it cost me my job, I was willing to accept that.

9. Throughout my time at Palm Gardens, Michael Schiavo was focused on Terri’s death. Michael would say “When is she going to die?,” “Has she died yet?” and “When is that bitch gonna die?” These statements were common knowledge at Palm Gardens, as he would make them casually in passing, without regard even for who he was talking to, as long as it was a staff member. Other statements which I recall him making include “Can’t you do anything to accelerate her death - won’t she ever die?” When she wouldn’t die, Michael would be furious. Michael was also adamant that the family should not be given information. He made numerous statements such as “Make sure the parents aren’t contacted.” I recorded Michael’s statements word for word in Terri’s chart, but these entries were also deleted after the end of my shift. Standing orders were that the family wasn’t to be contacted, in fact, there was a large sign in the front of her chart that said under no circumstances was her family to be called, call Michael immediately, but I would call them, anyway, because I thought they should know about their daughter.

10. Any time Terri would be sick, like with a UTI or fluid buildup in her lungs, colds, pneumonia, Michael would be visibly excited, thrilled even, hoping that she would die. He would call me, as I was the nurse supervisor on the floor, and ask for every little detail about her temperature, blood pressure, etc., and would call back frequently asking if she was dead yet. He would blurt out “I’m going to be rich!,” and would talk about all the things he would buy when Terri died, which included a new car, a new boat, and going to Europe, among other things.

11. When Michael visited Terri, he always came alone and always had the door closed and locked while he was with Terri. He would typically be there about twenty minutes or so. When he left Terri would would be trembling, crying hysterically, and would be very pale and have cold sweats. It looked to me like Terri was having a hypoglycemic reaction, so I’d check her blood sugar. The glucometer reading would be so low it was below the range where it would register an actual number reading. I would put dextrose in Terri’s mouth to counteract it. This happened about five times on my shift as I recall. Normally Terri’s blood sugar levels were very stable due to the uniformity of her diet through tube feeding. It is my belief that Michael injected Terri with Regular insulin, which is very fast acting.

12. The longer I was employed at Palm Gardens the more concerned I became about patient care, both relating to Terri Schiavo, for the reasons I’ve said, and other patients, too. There was an LPN named Carolyn Adams, known as “Andy” Adams who was a particular concern. An unusual number of patients seemed to die on her shift, but she was completely unconcerned, making statements such as “They are old - let them die.” I couldn’t believe her attitude or the fact that it didn’t seem to attract any attention. She made many comments about Terri being a waste of money, that she should die. She said it was costing Michael a lot of money to keep her alive, and that he complained about it constantly (I heard him complain about it all the time, too.) Both Michael and Adams said that she would be worth more to him if she were dead. I ultimately called the police relative to this situation, and was terminated the next day. Other reasons were cited, but I was convinced it was because of my “rocking the boat.”

13. Ms. Adams was one of the people who did not seem to be intimidated by Michael. In fact, they seemed to be very close, and Adams would do whatever Michael told her. Michael sometimes called Adams at night and spoke at length. I was not able to hear the content of these phone calls, but I knew it was him talking to her because she would tell me afterward and relay orders from him.

14. While at Palm Gardens, I became fearful for my personal safety. This was due to Michael’s constant intimidation, including his menacing body language, vocal tone and mannerisms.

15. I have contacted the Schindler family because I just couldn’t stand by and let Terri die without the truth being known.


The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of September, 2003, by CARLA SAUER IYER, R.N., who produced her Florida driver’s license as identification, and who did / did not take an oath.

For more details

posted @ 09:54 AM CST [link] [Karma: 1 (+/-)]

James Lesson 10: Faith Tested by Reaction to Self Serving Oaths(5:12)"
James:Tests of a Living Faith
Faith Tested by Reaction to Self-Serving Oaths (5:12)

Steve Budd

Section Summary
Swearing an oath is unnecessary among Christians, whose speech is to be honest, and whose lives are to demonstrate integrity and credibility. For believers, a “yes” or “no” should suffice.


But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath; but your yes is to be yes, and your no, no, so that you may not fall under judgment.

I. The Distinction of the Command (a)

“But” does not indicate a contrast with the previous section and can appropriately be translated as “now” or “and”, indicating the introduction of a new subject. The words “above all” seem to indicate a distinction between the exhortation that follows and the others in the epistle, thus setting it in the primary place. Lenski notes that the subject of a believer’s speech is extremely important to James, as he discusses it in every chapter (cf. 1:26, 2:12, 3:2-11, 4:11). Lenski emphasizes James’ intentions with the following paraphrase:
“Before the readers do anything else, they must cease using oaths”. -Lenski

So as not to exclude himself, and to show compassion, James uses the affectionate term “my brethren”.

II. The Restriction of the Command (b)

When James instructs believers not to swear, he is not talking about profanity. He is talking about swearing oaths, which calls God as a witness to the truth of one’s promises. This command is taken by some Christians to mean they are not to take a formal oath when taking the witness stand in a courtroom. When taking Scripture as a whole, we see that it is indeed appropriate to take an oath in some circumstances (Psalm 110:4, 2 Corinthians 1:21, Galatians 1:20). Courts administer oaths because they know that men are congenital liars, and when we are asked to take an oath by the ruling authorities under which God has placed us (cf. Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2:13-14), we have an obligation to do it. Taking an oath in a courtroom is not the same as creating our own oaths to convince someone that our statements are true. Oaths are not to be an occasion for clever lies, which was the case in James’ predominantly Jewish audience. The principle according to Jesus (Matthew 5:33-37) and James is this: Be honest in all your speech so that when you make an affirmation or denial, people will unquestionably know you are telling the truth.

III. The Instruction of the Command ( c )

“Jesus lifted all conversation in His church to the level of sacredness. Believers are to be known as people who keep their word, having such integrity that their simple ‘yes’ and ‘no’ will suffice for people”. –John MacArthur

IV. The Motivation of the Command (d)

James again brings the idea of judgement into view. In the case of believers, he is talking about a judgement of rewards, but in the event that some of his hearers were not true believers (remember his audience was professing Christians), the judgement could be referring to the fate that awaits them because their false, dead faith was not producing works.

“Those whose lives are characterized by a pattern of lying give evidence of having an unregenerate heart. And the Bible teaches that liars, spiritual children of the father of lies (John 8:44), will be sentenced to Hell (Revelation 21:8, 27, 22:15)”. –John MacArthur

Next Lesson: James 5:13-18 Faith Tested by Resort to Prayer

posted @ 06:39 AM CST [link] [Karma: 2 (+/-)]

Insanity on the Reservation
Some of the details of the shooting at the Red Lake Indian Reservation are starting to come out. The tragedy and waste that occurred in this horrible shooting are overwhelming to me. So far I have not seen anything concerning the motives of this young man. Apparently he had been thinking of doing this type of thing almost a year ago. Sin is powerful. Can you imagine the despair he must have been living with to go this far?

So, at a time when we see the Terri Schiavo case going on in the courts with her death probably imminent we also see a mass shooting in one of our schools. The Pope has it correct we do indeed live in a culture of death.

Minn. Rampage Leaves 10 Dead (

posted @ 06:19 AM CST [link] [Karma: 4 (+/-)]

Monday, March 21, 2005

Must Read Terri Schiavo commentary
This is a must read commentary. It is important to know Taranto is not a staunch pro-life supporter.

Monday, March 21, 2005 10:42 a.m. EST
Till Death Do Them Part?
Congress has granted Terri Schiavo a reprieve. In an extraordinary midnight session, the House voted 203-58 to approve a bill to restore her feeding tube--removed last week by order of a Florida judge--and grant the federal courts jurisdiction over her case. The Senate had earlier approved the measure on a voice vote, but some Democrats obstructed the effort to pass it the same way in the House, forcing Republicans to assemble a quorum for a roll-call vote. President Bush, up well past his bedtime, signed the bill into law just before 1:30 a.m.

OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today
posted @ 10:35 AM CST [link] [Karma: 2 (+/-)]

Don Moran’s perspective on Sri Lanka
My dad sent a note back from Sri Lanka as they continue with their work to help with tsumami relief.
He is with the group.

His thoughts are below...

I have times of being thankful that I signed on for this project. It is hard to explain the experience. Other times I question my decision to come here. The temperature is above 90 degrees and very humid every day. It makes working difficult. The driving conditions are shocking. There are no road rules. It takes us 2 hours in a van to get to and from work every day, a distance of about 40 miles.

I am working with the children, trying to teach but mostly just enjoying them. Group One built a playground. The equipment just arrived. Now the children would rather play than go to school. Some things are universal. Some days we take the children to the beach and we all work together to rake up debris and then play.

Unlike some of the volunteers, I have decided to try and avoid becoming too attached to the people here. Some of our people spend so much energy interacting with the people. I would be drained plus I think it is unfair to get so attached to the people and then leave them. I am enjoying goofing off with our volunteers. They are a good bunch.

A Blessed Easter to all of you.

Don Moran

posted @ 09:56 AM CST [link] [Karma: -2 (+/-)]

Federal Court Reviewing Schiavo Right-To-Die Case
Question for you, Is the right to life case here for Terri Schiavo as important as the Federal courts taking a look at the lynch laws from a previous generation?

I would say yes. It is indeed appropriate for the feds to get involved here. Issues of life can indeed be a federal issue.

By Robert Green
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (Reuters) - The fate of a brain-damaged Florida woman was back in the courts on Monday after President Bush (news - web sites) signed emergency legislation aimed at prolonging the life of Terri Schiavo.

Bush signed the legislation at 1:11 a.m. after extraordinary intervention by lawmakers that drew the U.S. Congress back from Easter recess and into a bitter family dispute as it tried to circumvent years of state court rulings.

Yahoo! News - Federal Court Reviewing Schiavo Right-To-Die Case

posted @ 08:44 AM CST [link] [Karma: 6 (+/-)]

Thought Of The Day
One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.
posted @ 08:21 AM CST [link] [Karma: 6 (+/-)]

Social Security Reform
I believe it is true that Social Security is in need for reform. I am conservative enough to think that there should be no such thing as social security as a form of retirement savings, maybe it would be ok as a bit of a safty net for those who can't work or are mentally handicapped etc. That is another discussion for another time.

As a country we do have a commitment to those who have retired or are planning on retiring soon and their retirment plans included the current system.

Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin has the best plan I have seen so far. You can find some details at his web site.

Issue Update: Social Security
posted @ 08:08 AM CST [link] [Karma: -7 (+/-)]

By Warren Coe
South Suburban Evangelical Free Church

MARCH 13, 2005 Passage Lookup: John 19:28-30
1. Nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ, Son of God was put to death by crucifixion. The cross upon which he died is considered the chief symbol of Christianity.
● You will find it in church sanctuaries, worn as a necklace & theme of most hymns
● Famous Christian missionary Oswald Chambers wrote, The central keystone for all time and eternity on which the whole purpose of God depends is the cross.

2. It was upon this cross Jesus spoke seven times. The sixth time was words just read today It is finished! It is an interesting phrase. In Greek the phrase is only one word.
● Servants used it when they completed the master's work. It is finished!
● Archeologist have discovered its Latin equivalent Consummatum est on tax receipts
● It means paid! The tax is paid. The debt is settled in full.

3. The verb tense Jesus employed is also interesting. It is a perfect tense which means what is finished is still in effect today. Past tense would mean it was finished long ago.
● Whatever was finished at the cross would have benefits now & forevermore!
● Are you curious? What did Jesus finish? Why is this word considered the most important word ever spoken in history of world and the most cherished by the church?

It is finished meant that Christ's sufferings were finished.
1. No person born to human race was born to suffer as much as Jesus. Suffering characterized his life. The Bible called him The Man of Sorrows Isaiah 53:3
● The Ancient prophets predicted Christ would suffer. Isaiah 53:3,4.
● In Mark 8:31 Jesus forewarned his disciples of his suffering.
● It was Christ's sufferings which was central to Peter's sermon in Acts 2

2. No man suffered like Jesus. His pain & death was like no other person in history. Jim Bishop in The Day Christ Died conveys horror of Jesus' last hours.
● Crossbeam on ground. Jesus was pulled down. The cross beam fitted at back of neck. Soldiers held his arms while executioner drove nails into wrist. The beam lifted with force. Jesus was dragged by wrists. With every breath he groaned
● Once beam was in place, Jesus' feet were nailed to small platform. The ritual was to nail the right foot over left, and this was probably the most difficult part of the work. If the feet were pulled downward, and nailed close to the foot of the cross, the prisoner always died quickly.
● Over the years, the Romans learned to push feet upward on cross, so the condemned man could lean on the nails and stretch himself upward to breath.

3. Why such brutality? It was the way the Roman government dealt with capital offenses. But God employed it for his Son as the only way of healing our sin-sick souls.
Isaiah 53:5. It makes you wonder how sick is our soul that it required Jesus to suffer?
● Story of teen with tumor on pituitary. To remove the tumor, the surgeons had to remove the teens face. The surgery revealed depth of sickness.
● On the cross, Jesus' sufferings were finished. Our sin-sickness was healed!

2ndly, this word of our Lord declared that...­
1. God's law was given at Mount Sinai through Moses. This law demanded perfect obedience. It was a reflection of God's holiness. What was its purpose?
Galatians 3:19,22 added cause of transgressions & shut up everyone under sin
● The Old Testament law pointed a finger and said, Sinner! The Ten Commandments yelled, law-breaker!
● Have you ever wondered why the world is as it is? Your life is what it is?

2. Paul gave that some thought in Romans & cried out Wretched man... ­who will set me free from body of this death. The Prophet Jeremiah said The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
● I talked to a man unable to explain why he beat his wife. Bible knew why
● Our hatreds, bitterness, petty grievances are the result of a heart filled with sin.
● To expose sin was the purpose of the law¡ªto expose and condemn sin.

3. Here is where Jesus Christ comes in. Galatians 3:13 Christ became a curse for us. Galatians 4:4,5 Christ was born under law to redeem us. Literally, to set us free from domination of law
● Christ's humiliation fulfilled the demands of the law on our behalf.
● Christ's obedience to the law was credited to our account so we are justified!
● When Christ said, It is finished! The law and its demands upon me were fulfilled

Christ's sufferings were finished, mosaic law and its demands were finished and...­
1. The human DNA is fascinating. It contains the info needed to construct and operate a human body. Each DNA has stretches of genes which turn off/on
● These stretches coil the DNA into chromosomes which determine hair, eye
● What scientists have yet to discover is that sin is part of our spiritual DNA.
Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as thru one man sin entered into world, and death thru sin, so death spread because all sinned.

2. Our spiritual DNA explains the brutal history of human race. It explains why there is death. Even natural disasters can be explained by our sin condition.
Romans 8:20 tells us that the corruption of our nature is due to sin; tsunamis, etc.
● It would be a hopeless story if it weren't for these three words of Jesus - It is finished.
● God's answer sin in the Old Testament was death of a lamb. Exodus 30:10. Covered or removed sin.

3. But year after year, the high priest slaughtered numerous animals. Yearly on the Day of Atonement, an innocent lamb was sacrificed. Why? The sacrifice was inadequate to cover all sin.
● But with Christ's death something new happened. Hebrews 9:25,26,28. Payment made!
● What morality & religion could not do for sin-slaved humans, Christ did with his blood.
● We had a sin-debt we could not pay, but Christ settled the debt. As the beloved hymn says Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe; sin had left crimson stain, he washed it white as snow.

When Jesus said, It is finished, it meant his sufferings, God's law demands, our sin debt are finished and...­
1. What are the two great enemies of human race? Death and the devil. Death waits for all people. Satan, as the prince of this world, is our great tempter.
● Death and the devil have frightened or terrorized the world since the beginning of time.
● But Christ has defeated both of them. John 12:31 Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out.
Hebrews 2:14 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death that is, the devil
● In Christ, the power of death and the devil is finished.

2. You know what this means? The sting of death has been removed. No more fear of the tormentor of our souls. Both were defeated at the cross of Calvary.
● But you say, death will still cast a shadow across a life path and the devil is still loose.
● Yes, but the do not have free reign nor do they carry the punch and sting they once had.
● Let me explain it this way. A father and daughter were traveling in car. Dad noticed a bee in the car. The situation was serious since little girl was allergic to bee stings & could die if stung. As the bee flew toward the daughter, the father reached out his opened hand. The Bee landed. Dad closed fist and the bee stung him. A minute later dad opened his hand & the bee flew free. Don't worry honey, he can't hurt you anymore. The stinger is in my hand.
● By dying on cross, Christ defeated death and the devil so we have no need to worry.

What are applications of this incredible word of the Lord?
1. Sin is no joking matter. It required the death of the perfect and sinless son of God! The death of Christ makes sin no joking matter. It should grieve our souls.

2. That payment for sin was Christ's innocent blood should give us confidence with God. Romans 8:32 He who did not spare his own son, but deliverer him over for us all

3. That he finished his redemptive work explains why countless Christians have gladly surrendered to Jesus Christ and have gladly followed him.
● It drives Liberals nuts. Atheists go insane. Opponents of Christianity choke.
● They can't understand this undivided loyalty that believers have for Christ.
● The Answer is easy. Our loyalty is moved by his great sacrifice. We owe debt of love.

So Jesus speaks. From the cross he tells the world, It is finished! His sufferings, the laws demands, payment for sin & death/devil are finished! It is finished!

To Listen to the sermon Click here
posted @ 05:58 AM CST [link] [Karma: 6 (+/-)]
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